
þriðjudagur, júní 07, 2005

ég er veikur:(
mér er kalt:(
en ég dreymdi skemmtilegan draum:)
og ég ætlað segja ykkur frá honum:)

Ég ætlað skrifa hann á ensku svo að Morrissey vinur minn skilji mig:

Me and my father had been driving the South coast of Iceland when we came to Þórsmörk. It was then I had to make the decision of continue to drive along the coast or cut through the country, over the mountains and glaciers. I wanted to take the road of challange in spite of my fathers concerns. For some reason I was driving a really small car while he was driving a jeep. The road was made out of plates, yes the one you eat with, somehow this gave better grip.

We were half across the country when suddenly thousends of people appeared. For some reason they were cheering and waving towards something. I took a closer look and there he was, my idol, my hero. This charming man was Morrissey! There in middle of Iceland he was having a concert that I didnt know about. I told my father to continue because I would not want to miss this for the world. I managed to get on a bus with no roof that drove around the stage while Morrissey was playing. This was actually a much better place to be than in the crowd. When Morrissey took a break he stepped on the bus! I dont know how, I dont know why but he was wearing my blue adidas T-shirt. We were few talking to him about things I cant remember but when it was time for him to get back to the stage he stood up and said at the same time: "I cant believe Im going to play that song". I got very curious and asked him what song "is it Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me?" -"no" he replied. "Is it There is a light that never goes out" I asked again. "No, no Smiths songs" he said and smiled.

When he got back to the stage I was still in the bus that just drove around and around the stage for some peculiar reason. Then he started to sing the song he spoke of and it was a surprice in deed! The song was We Will Rock You with Queen! Soon after that I woke up.

This dream seemed so real but at the same time so unrealistic! Needless to say I wore that blue adidas T-shirt that day hoping that it was some kind of a sign, that maybe I would meet Saint Morrissey on the street, but sadly that didnt happen. Still today I wonder what it meant (actually I dreamt this dream last night but whos noticing) So I ask you Morrissey, does this mean I will meet you face to face someday and why on earth did you sing We Will Rock You!??

Já krakkar, þetta var nú spennandi og skemmtileg lesning haaaa ..en þetta var aðallega gert svo að ég muni drauminn ..jú og auðvitað svo Morrissey sjái hvað ég er bilaður :)
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